Work Experience

Software Engineer — Deloitte Consulting, NY

July 2022-Present


Purdue University, College of Science — West Lafayette, IN

August 2019-May 2022

GPA: 3.31/4.0


Personal Projects
Slay the Spire Mod
  • Designed a new playable character and unique abilities and cards as a mod in Java for a popular roguelike deckbuilder game called Slay the Spire.
  • Development of the mod is still in progress.


Population Simulator
  • Programmed a simulator that would generate a random population of people with different names, ages, relationships, and genetics.
  • The simulator is currently able to progress one year at a time and update each person with new statistics.
  • Resources and competitions between people and groups are a future planned implementation


Certified Cloud Practioner
  • Basic understanding of IT services and their uses on AWS Cloud
  • Knowledge of core AWS services and use cases, billing and pricing models, security concepts, and how cloud impacts your business

October 2022-October 2025

Certified Machine Learning — Specialty
  • Ability to express the intuition behind basic ML algorithms
  • Experience performing basic hyperparameter optimization
  • Experience with ML and deep learning frameworks
  • Ability to follow model-training, deployment, and operational best practices
  • Able to implement ML algorithms and models within AWS

December 2022-December 2025


Languages: Proficient in Java, C/C++ Python    Comfortable with SQL/DBMS, HTML, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript

Tools:MySQL, Google Cloud Computing, Amazon Web Services, Terraform, React, Flask, Django